Saturday, November 16, 2013

Japanese tea ceremony is a tool for self-awareness and profound communication.
In East Asia, tea drinking culture has a long history; it has started more than 3,000 years ago. It is widely recognized that the tea plant is originated in Yunnan province in China.
It is a daily ritual to maintain physical and spiritual wellbeing of the people.
Sharing a tea time or tea ceremony together with someone helps to deepen the relationship because of the calming property of the tea plant-Camellia Synensis.
The origin of Japanese tea ceremony is found in Song dynasty(10th ~ 13th century) China. It was brought to Japan via Korean Peninsula as part of Zen practice.
After that Japanese people transformed the tea ceremony through the years in order to conduct a spiritual practice in daily life.
Tea ceremony became one of the main pillars of Japanese beauty.
In this introductory experience in 1.Shantiroad by a Japanese tea ceremony practitioner/visual artist Jyoti Naoki Eri will lead the journey to the profound world of tea ceremony.
He wishes to convey the metaphysic and underlying spiritual science of Japanese tea ceremony.
He says “It’s just an act of simply drinking tea, yet simple acts in daily life can be very profound. In its essence we are able to carry it on with a sustainable joy”.

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